RAUCH Fruchtsäfte - The Innovative Global Player fro Austria

For more than 10 years, we have been supporting RAUCH Fruchtsäfte GmbH & Co OG in an advisory capacity and in the execution of their digital strategy. Originally started as a small local cidery in Austria, RAUCH has grown into a global player with worldwide operations that is making great strides thanks to its innovative decisions in product development and digitalisation

The Start

At the beginning of the cooperation with RAUCH Fruchtsäfte, the focus was still on the implementation of an online advertising promotion via SMS code process, from which the takeover of the website support and the implementation of future digital topics developed very quickly..


Since the promotions are a central part of the online campaigns, we made various arrangements in the course of the relaunch so that we would have more options for future promos. As we have been implementing the entire digital part on rauch.cc for all annual cross-channel promos in the international space since the relaunch, these promo options were particularly important. They helped us to facilitate the most diverse promo concepts from countdown applications, QR codes, alphanumeric unique promo codes and e-cards to the classic template.

100 Jahre

To celebrate RAUCH Fruchtsäfte's 100th anniversary in 2019, the family business showed the proud history of the company as it developed from a small local cidery into a global player. This spectacular story was brought to life online in the form of a blog.

100 Jahre RAUCH

Image Database

With the image database, we developed a personalised online image database for RAUCH Fruchtsäfte to manage and exchange product images with a wide range of distributors, markets and agencies to share product images more effectively and replace the usual share/download links.


At the same time as the changeover of the HR software to INJOBS, the development of the RAUCH intranet was started, and is used by RAUCH for general internal communication about the news of the RAUCH world. It also contains general information about employee contact data, the canteen menu, the site plan and much more.

Career Relaunch

Since 2018, we have been supporting the RAUCH Human Resources Management Department as a pilot customer in international recruiting with our recruitment management software INJOBS. With the 2021 career relaunch, we succeeded in taking the career world to a new level with a new concept. We replaced the classic search with a simple category and location filtering to prevent dead-end searches and to offer potential employees more from the job category. In addition, INJOBS introduced a job alert system that allows applicants to be notified directly by email as soon as a new job offer is available in their job category.

To ensure that the application process at the company raises as few questions as possible, an additional process timeline was integrated that clearly shows the individual steps. Furthermore, we also revised the presentation of the company benefits to make them more present in the applicant's focus and to point out the numerous advantages of a career at RAUCH. The applicant gets even more impressions of his or her potential future in the company in the specially created career blog with pictures.

Relaunch 2022

With the soft relaunch in 2022, the design of the website was slightly modernised and adapted to new technical realities such as new viewports (display sizes) in order to achieve greater user-friendliness and an increase in the user experience (user experience in the application of the website). Through various adjustments such as the teaser sizes, we enable the user to get a quicker overview of the many different aspects of the RAUCH world. The aforementioned adjustment also helps to generate a stronger cross-linking strategy, as we can offer more content in the same space. This way we generate more links within the site, e.g. through the stronger integration of the Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Ask RAUCH section and the Recipe World.

RAUCH Fruchtsäfte - The Innovative Global Player


For more than 10 years, we have been supporting RAUCH Fruchtsäfte GmbH & Co OG in an advisory capacity and in the execution of their digital strategy.