Frequently Asked Questions


Project managers are responsible for coordinating the various aspects of a project, from conception to implementation. They define clear objectives, create detailed project plans, assign tasks and continuously monitor the progress of the project.

Our project managers work closely with our customers to ensure that their expectations are met. They are responsible for ensuring the smooth running of the project, recognising and managing risks at an early stage and proactively tackling problems.

With a structured and professional approach, our project managers ensure that our projects are completed on time, within budget and with high quality.

Act quickly and implement a suitable recovery strategy. This includes changing all passwords, removing infected files, carrying out security updates and updating all plugins and themes. You may also need to contact an experienced security expert.

Implement a web application firewall (WAF), use SSL encryption for secure data transfers, enable regular security scans and monitoring, rely on secure hosting infrastructures and strong access controls.

Open source CMS are CMS systems where the source code is publicly accessible and can be further developed by the community. They are generally secure, as potential vulnerabilities can be quickly recognised and rectified, provided regular updates are carried out.

Regularly check that your CMS version, plugins and themes are up to date. Make backups of your website data and carry out regular security checks to find possible vulnerabilities.

Potential risks for CMS systems include attacks by hackers, data breaches, malware infections and data loss.

Web analysis tools such as Google's Lighthouse Pagespeed test can also be used to monitor loading times and identify weak points. A/B tests can also be carried out to investigate how different loading times affect user behavior. If users leave the page more often or the bounce rate is high, this can be an indication that the loading time should be optimized.

Additional tools and techniques for improving the page speed of a website could include optimising fonts, limiting HTTP requests, using WebP image formats or implementing AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). These techniques can further optimise the loading time.

A fast loading time is particularly important for the mobile user experience, as mobile devices may have a slower internet connection. A fast loading website optimised for mobile devices can help users stay on the site longer and consume content better.

A slow loading time can have a negative impact on a website's conversion rate as users are more likely to abandon and switch to a faster loading alternative. A fast loading time can help to increase the conversion rate, as users stay on the page longer and have more time to engage with the content.

Employer branding stands for the strategic brand development of your company and helps you to present your company in the best possible light on the labour market. Thanks to our many years of experience in employer branding and our job portal solution as well as our INJOBS recruiting software, we are the ideal contact partner and will be happy to help you.


  • Expansion of the company's position on the labour market
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Acquiring potential applicants
  • Increasing the attractiveness of your company

Our service:

  • Consultancy and conception
  • Development of the career website
  • Employer branding campaigns
  • Employee images
  • Image film
  • Corporate photography
  • HR recruiting solution
  • Print media concept

Interactive landing pages offer higher user engagement, improved user experience and can effectively increase brand awareness through appealing design and creative interactions.

The performance of interactive landing pages can be improved by optimizing file sizes, loading times, caching mechanisms and code efficiency to ensure a smooth user experience.

When developing interactive landing pages, knowledge of animation techniques, user interaction, front-end development and the integration of CMS solutions is crucial.

Interactive elements on landing pages make the experience more appealing and engaging by encouraging visitors to interact with the content and become more involved with the page.

A headless CMS separates the backend (content management) from the frontend (website presentation), which increases flexibility and efficiency. For interactive landing pages, this allows the seamless integration of content without restrictions in design or user experience.